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Category Archive for 'Allgemein'

Meng Zi und die Partei

In meinem letzten Posting hatte ich über die Maßnahmen zur sozialen Stabilisierung gesprochen, die die chinesischen Obrigkeiten anwenden, um des allgemeinen herrschenden Unmuts Herr zu werden, und hatte aus einem Artikel des Caijing Magazine zitiert, in dem die Mechanismen der Unmutskontrolle detailliert beschrieben werden. Sam Crane, Autor des Blogs “The Useless Tree” und Experte für […]

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Beware of the Crowd!

In the Chinese public sphere, cyber manhunts have got a lot of attention recently, with western media eagerly following up. This is partly due to the catchy name the chinese are using for the phenomenon. The term Renrou Sousuo (人肉搜索) literally means “Human Flesh Search Engine”, opening up a range of possible misinterpretations. Actually, Renrou […]

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Still in the Dark Ages?

If you want to learn about online media in a certain market, one of the first steps is to get the correct numbers. Starting from the general demographics, going on with overall usage patterns and more detailed data about specific market segments, down to the hardcore access data of single websites.

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There is a question coming up from time to time when I introduce my research project to chinese friends and students or western expats living in China, especially when I talk about my interest in the portal websites: Why is it that chinese media websites, especially the portals, look so completely different from western ones? […]

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Trying to understand Zuola’s old and new roles as citizen reporter or network engineer, we should consult another important contributor to CNBloggerCon, the Hongkong-based Sino-American Roland Soong. Unfortunately, Soong had to cancel his trip to the conference for private reasons, so he published his announced talk on his blog, the legendary EastSouthWestNorth. Soong is one […]

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Talking with Zuola

Blogger Zhou Shuguang (周曙光) a.k.a. Zuola or Zola, who some days ago was barred from going to Germany by the chinese authorities, has also been one of the more conspicuous participants at this year’s chinese blogger conference CNBloggerCon, two weeks ago in Guangzhou. In front of the entrance to the conference venue, Zuola sold t-shirts […]

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Scissors in the Head

Rebecca McKinnon has a highly interesting posting on her blog about recent research she has done at the University of Hongkong. (Unfortunately her blog cannot be easily accessed in mainland China. Even the RSS Feed in Google Reader is blocked.) Following up on a conversation McKinnon had last year with BOB 2008 award winning Beijing […]

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A View on Chinese Community

CIC has published the first two parts of their white paper “The Internet IS the Community”. Over the last years, Sam Flemming and his team in Shanghai have done a lot to bring the importance of the chinese Internet community to the attention of their target group, which consists, of course, mostly of business people […]

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Yesterday Deutsche Welle announced the winners of the Best of Blogs Award 2008. Winner in the chinese language section is the Beijing-based lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan (刘晓原). Liu, who blogs about all kinds of legal matters, has recently received some international press coverage when representing the mother of Yang Jia, the man who had killed six […]

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China’s Internet community is ablaze these days with the Social Networking phenomenon. Whereas the Facebook hype seems to finally deflate (at least according my own subjective observations), the Chinese have just discovered the joys of six degrees social graphs and buddy functionality.  Big portal providers and bloghosters like Blogbus are adding SNS features to their […]

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